When talking to Japanese people about how they acquired the English language, they usually mention something that motivates them. After learning English language in school, they have some knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, whether basic or advanced. Their motivation at school is either to pass exams or for a career. Later in life, it’s a little different.
Some people’s motivation is to keep up their English skills, they have invested a lot of time, money, and effort to achieve personal goals. It would be a waste not to use English after dedicated learning.
Another motivator is learning about foreign cultures covering many countries and interests. Think of any interests you have now; to expand your knowledge look to other countries.
English + Sports? What do you know of Cricket? It’s a British sport which is incredibly popular internationally; there is even an International Cricket Ground in Tochigi Prefecture!
English + Entertainment? Movies, theatre, or TV shows. Comedy, tragedy, romance, etc. The choice of entertainment in English is overwhelming. This helps with listening skills and comprehension, which is very challenging.
English + Music? Another kind of entertainment which has many genres and can be enjoyed through singing along or just listening. This can use the language skills of reading and listening passively, and singing and writing songs actively.
English + Japanese Culture? How does this expand your knowledge of other cultures? Being able to explain Japanese interests in English can lead to cultural comparisons; what is similar, the same, or completely different. Whoever you are talking to can share their customs, too.
It’s enjoyable to share your interests with others, and wanting to be able to express yourself is a great motivator: “Did I explain that well?”, “How can I explain this?”, “I must look up this word!” Which topic would help motivate your English language learning? English + ?
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