
Will I be a Good Student?

In whatever you study, what works for one person doesnt always work for you. Ask yourself, what does a good student do? Would or could you do that to achieve your goals? 

Some traits of a good student

Some traits I think a good student has:


Study daily 5 minutes or 5 hours of study isn't important, doing it daily does.


Get out of their comfort zones If something is easy, you know it. If something is challenging or difficult, youre learning it.


Patience Not understanding something immediately is fine, you may not have enough practice or knowledge to understand it yet.


Curiosity How and why are useful words to use to expand your knowledge in whatever you are studying.


Using different resources When learning or researching, resources are needed. Use books not a book, applications not an application, websites not a website, people not a person. Many resources are better than only one.


Unafraid to ask questions Another trait related to curiosity is, if you dont know something, ask someone who does. Especially if you are attending classes.


Comfortable making mistakes Knowing how something doesnt work is equally important as how it does work. Mistakes shouldnt make you feel uncomfortable, its learning.


Correct their mistakes Correcting their mistake before or when it happens. Repeating the same mistakes every time is not learning. More practice is needed.


Open to new ideas There is always something unknown, new, or different to what you expect to learn.



Get help Whether its to help learn, practice, or motivate; get support from others.

Am I a good student? With help.

These are only a few traits I would imagine a good student would have. Could I follow these traits? Most of them. Will I be a good student? Maybe, if I had some help! 

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