
Business English, Travel English, Your English

Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I'm an English Facilitator, here a some of my thoughts about learning the English language.


My knowledge of how big English language schools entice new students is growing, this is because we want to, too! Advertising, promotions, trial lessons, regular publications on social media, and the like.

Big Business, Small Business

We cant do TV campaigns like the BIG boys, so we do small things as we are a small school; this is reflected in our fees. Our students dont pay extra for our advertising, its part of our job to learn how to do business. We would prefer only to help Japanese people with their English communication. Unfortunately, we need to do business to reach these people with our small actions.


Neither Masami nor I went to Business School but we have been running our business since 2018; so far, so good. This leads me to a conversation brought up by an old student, what are Business English Classes? Why Business English? My initial thought was, these courses teach people technical words or jargon suitable for business.

What English are You Learning?

This conversation continued between Masami and myself and another perspective came up; English is English, its how you want to use it which decides the vocabulary you learn and how you want to present yourself.


That view reminded me of what someone wrote in a forum, There is no such thing as American English or British English, there is only English and dialects of English Very straightforward.

Customer focussed

So, what is my point about all of this? Simply put, we help Japanese people with English Communication. Its up to our students what they want to learn, it can be for business, travel, studying abroad, living overseas, making friends, or whatever their wishes are.

We dont push a focused type of English, we focus on our client, their needs, and how we can help them communicate. Its your English to learn and we are here to facilitate that.

Brown’s English Language Schoolは、











・英語コミュニケーション ワークショップ

・English Pronunciation Workshop






Brown’s English Language School
Website: https://bels3.jimdofree.com/

FB: @BELS.sano

Instagram: @englishschool.bels.sano











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