
Learning is Child’s Play

Hello. My name is Duncan Brown and I am an English Facilitator, here are some of my thoughts about learning the English language. 

It's easy as A,B,C

For most of my life, I took my language for granted, and why wouldnt I? It was all around me like air, breathing it in and out for my benefit and sometimes detriment. The sounds, structure, meaning, and purpose of speech are something you only think about when learning it.


Think about how you learned, or even how you taught a baby, your native language; how did you do it?

Natural talent?

I cant recall any English lessons before going to school, but I started to learn my native language and communicated in it like most 0 4-year-olds.


My first problem was I couldnt speak, I could make sounds at different volumes but that was about it. I mimicked whoever was talking at me, practising the correct sound to make a phoneme leading to words!


My vocabulary improved through observation and drilling; at first one word, Mama then two, Look! Dog!, slowly building through repetition, association, and interaction.


Grammar was also a slow process of copying; a banana, an apple, and the dog were learned and how to use them.



Eventually, I needed to locate these things either in space or time, quite a concept for a 3-year-old: There!, Here!, On the table!, Under the chair! I exclaimed everything when I was very young.

The luxury of childhood

What do young children have to help them learn their mother tongue? Time, teachers, materials, motivation, dedication, and curiosity. These six things will help you learn anything.


Time goes hand-in-hand with dedication, by managing your time you can dedicate yourself to daily learning and practice. Children learn every day whether they want to or not, you can too.


Materials and teachers should be interesting and challenging for you. Consider what you want to learn and, find a teacher that suits you and your needs.


A childs motivation is getting what it wants, and praise. By taking classes, you gain a skill you want and acknowledgement of your good work from your teacher and peers.


Most of all curiosity, it leads you deeper into what you are learning and changes hard work into interesting learning.


Child's play

Looking at things as a child does will help your studies; they are always learning and so can you.



Brown’s English Language Schoolは、


・English (examination English, preparation for various exams)

・English conversation (adults, children)

・English communication skills


It is a school where you can learn in a fun way.

Courses can be taken either face-to-face or online.



・Seminar on useful differences between Japanese and English

・English Communication Workshop

・English Pronunciation Workshop


etc., are useful for communicating in English.

We hold seminars and workshops .



Brown’s English Language School
Website: https://bels3.jimdofree.com/

FB:  @BELS.sano

Instagram:  bels.sano



Masami Brown


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(I would be happy if you could say that you read my blog!)




If you want to take lessons at your own pace, click here

English Communication Program → Click here




English is a communication tool! If you want to know
which skills you should improve to improve your English communication skills ,

Please contact us at bels.eigo@gmail.com .

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