English Meet-up · 07. February 2020
Last night Masami and I had our anniversary with Vijay and Mayuko at Yellomoong in Ota. !!? 🎉It has been one year since our very first "Hello Ota" 🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY "HELLO OTA!" I must admit it had slipped my mind with getting the few preparations done and then getting into the flow of chatting with people. Even though I had forgotten our anniversary it was like a party anyway! I had conversations with people of different ages, genders and nationalities. It was great to hear all the...
English Meet-up · 11. January 2020
1/9(木)に開催した Hello Ota - Let's chat in English!- ご参加ただいたみなさな、ありがとうございました。 おかげさまで、1月の開催で12回目を迎えました。 12回もの回数を重ねてこられたのも、 今までにご参加ただいた皆様のおかげです。 ありがとうございます。 そして、毎回、開催場所、おいしいカレーと飲み物を提供してくださった...
English Meet-up · 20. December 2019
It was our final "Hello..." event for this year, last night at Moonshine Studio in Ashikaga. It was a nice surprise to see old friends of our English meet-up and new attendees too! American English, Canadian English, British English and of course Japanese English was being used last night to share experiences and ideas. I had a great time learning about America, Canada and Japan. I hope that everyone else had a good time too. Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed themselves. We hope...
English Meet-up · 06. December 2019
Hello Ota - Let's chat in English!- 昨日も英語と日本語交じりで、様々なトピックについて話しました。ところ変われば文化も変わる。興味深かったのは、
English Meet-up · 22. November 2019
We enjoyed a new venue for "Hello Ashikaga" last night. A big THANK YOU to Moonshine Studio for allowing us to hold our English meet-up event at their friendly, hospitable, cosy bar. The atmosphere there reminds me of a good old fashioned pub back in the U.K. Great people, great food, great drink and a great atmosphere. Thank you Taito. At the English speaking event we had someone from Cameroon who shared many thought provoking experiences. My only knowledge of Cameroon is the famous footballer...
English Meet-up · 11. October 2019
Japanese, Peruvian, Filipino, Indian and British chatted in English last night for our English speaking meet-up, "Hello Ota" @ Yellomoong. It was great to see people helping each other to find the English word they wanted to say. Many different levels of English but the laughter sounded the same no matter the nationality. Thank you to everyone who came along and chatted in English. We hope you had a good time. A big thank you to Yellomoong too, for helping us hold "Hello Ota" and for the great...
English Meet-up · 30. September 2019
Many Japanese people make reasons for not speaking English even when they have spent many hours and much money on learning the language. Here, are some solutions to those problems.
English Meet-up · 26. September 2019
We have been holding our English conversation meet-up, "Hello Ashikaga" for one year now. Looking back over the previous events some things have changed but others have stayed the same, just like anything that lives! The venue has changed several times (now being held at Shimin Plaza, Ashikaga), people have changed and our ideas are changing on how to continue "Hello Ashikaga". What is the same though, is, Masami and I are still here, familiar faces and new faces come along each month and the...
English Meet-up · 11. September 2019
先週9/5(木)にHello Ota- Let's chat in Enlglish!-を開催しました。 いつもご参加いただく皆様に、 初めてご参加いただいた皆様、 ご参加いただきありがとうございました。 年齢、職業、バックグランド 英語歴に、英語のレベルも違う方々が、 英語がコミュニケーションのツールとなり 繋がっていく。 今回もいろいろなトピックについて 日本語と英語交じりでお話したり、...
English Meet-up · 17. June 2019
田舎に住んでいると なかなか英語を話す機会って少ないかと思います。 英語・英会話を習っているとか、 英語を使う職業についているとか、 でない限りは。。。 かつての私も、 わざわざ東京にある ”English Cafe"に行って 英語を話す機会を作っていました。 で、ある時思ったのです。 田舎にないのであれば、 【英語を話す機会をつくればいい!】と。...